Announcing… The Best of 2019

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Happy New Year. Welcome to 2020 which will undoubtedly be the year of CLARITY for all of us.

Yet again, RetinaLink’s metrics hit a new all-time high as RetinaLink celebrated its fifth birthday in September ~ each year the video and post views increase. Thank you for your continued support and following RetinaLink on FaceBook, LinkedIn, Twitter and we added Instagram in 2019.

Here are the Top 10 videos and posts for 2019. CLICK on the embedded link to see more.

1) Dr. Alan Franklin Provides his Perspective & Benefits for the NGENUITY® Blood Suppression Filter

2) Save the Date: Alcon Retina Film Festival in San Francisco – Saturday, October 12

3) Dr. Jorge Fortun Provides his Impressions on the Dutch Ophthalmic EVA, Two-Dimensional Cutter

4) Subretinal Biopsy to Diagnose Subretinal Infiltrate from Dr. Sean D. Adrean

5) Ask not what you can do for 3D surgery, but what 3D surgery can do for you at ASRS… Course Instructors Drs. Alan Franklin, Mina Chung, Steve Houston, John Kitchens & Chris Riemann (featuring Dr. John Kitchens video)

6) Dr. Charles WG Eifrig’s Live Surgery at Vit-Buckle Society

7) Dr. Neepa Shah Discusses the Challenges of Attending Life & Presents a Complicated IOL Case

8) Dr. Talia R. Kaden Shares her Impressions on Transitioning from Fellowship to Practice

9) Audina BERROCAL, MD – Best in Show Video at ALCON’s Retina Film Festival in San Francisco (See Surgical Videos)

10) Max Moore: Making A Difference with Visually Impaired Young People

1) VBS7 Meeting Summary: All the Highlights & Keynote Speakers


3) AAO President Dr. George A. Williams ~ My First 100 Days

4) Dr. Gaurav K. Shah Educates His Patients on Vitamin Supplements & Focus® Select Benefits

5) The 2019 Alcon Retina Fellows Institute ~ Providing a New Perspective in Education

6) Dr. Michael N. Cohen ~ Transitioning from Fellowship to Private Practice

7) Following the Fellows features Dr. S. Amal Hussnain in New York

8) Setting Proper Expectations for Evaluating DAVS ~ Important Steps & Key Takeaways from Drs. Alan J. Franklin & David R. Chow

9) Alcon Retina Exchange Broadcast Series ~ Featuring Drs. Nina Berrocal, R.V. Paul Chan, Arshad Khanani, Lejla Vajzovic and Christina Weng

10) Announcing… The 2019 Ronald G. Michels Fellowship Foundation Award Recipients

See you soon and many wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.

Source: Google Analytics, YouTube,, RetinaLink’s Social Media Channels, FaceBook, LinkedIn, Twitter & Instagram