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Removal of Intraocular Foreign Body through Original Penetrating Wound – Sean D. Adrean, MD FAAO

Video featuring Removal of Intraocular Foreign Body through Original Penetrating Wound. VO outlines temporal wound from metal IOFB, 23g, PVD, IOFB removal, metal cartwheeled and created several retinal tears from these impact sites. Dr. Adrean lasered and used silicone oil as the post-op tamponade.
Video featuring Removal of Intraocular Foreign Body through Original Penetrating Wound. VO outlines temporal wound from metal IOFB, 23g, PVD, IOFB removal, metal cartwheeled and created several retinal tears from these impact sites. Dr. Adrean lasered and used silicone oil as the post-op tamponade.
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ENTER THE BAT CAVE – New surgical video from Dr. Sean D. Adrean

ENTER THE BAT CAVE - Sean D. Adrean, MD FAAO shares his patient's video with a dense VH and remnants of lens material. VO included outlines OCT, Flex Loop and why its the BAT CAVE?
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Dr. Sean Adrean – Amniotic Membrane Graft for Macular Hole

Dr. Sean D. Adrean, Retina Consultants of Orange County, Fullerton, CA, shares his surgical video outlining his amniotic membrane graft technique. His 57-year-old Hispanic female had several previous surgeries for proliferative diabetic retinopathy with PRP laser, so an autologous retinal transplant was not a viable option and her peripheral retina was not healthy. Sean D. Adrean, MD Pre-op VA: CF Amniotic membrane can be difficult to introduce through valved cannulas. It helps to use a Bimanual technique with the soft tip cannula and vitrector. I prefer to pre-size the amniotic membrane graft. It needs to be smaller; however, larger than the area that will be covered. In this particular case, tucking the amniotic membrane graft underneath the retina and into the macular hole is required to get the MH to close. It requires graft to be positioned properly and diligence to ensure its well centered. Additional laser is needed; complete air fluid exchange and inject silicone oil at the end of the case. PO VA: 20/200+2 Dr. Adrean can be reached via e-mail - [email protected]
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Dr. Sean Adrean: Nail to Eye

Dr. Sean Adrean shares his surgical technique as he removes a rusty nail from his patient's eye.
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Dr. Maria Berrocal Demonstrates the NORLASE LION in her Clinic

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Dr. Alan J. Franklin demonstrates the benefits of 3D visualization in his patient with Uveitis. Video includes voiceover.
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Audina BERROCAL, MD – Best in Show Video (ALCON Retina Film Festival)

Dr. Audina Berrocal was recognized at the 2019 Alcon Retina Film Festival for having the Best in Show Video. This was voted on by the audience.
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Sean D. ADREAN, MD ~ Subretinal Biopsy to Diagnose Subretinal Infiltrate

Dr. Sean Adrean shares his surgical video (includes voiceover) of a subretinal biopsy to diagnose sub-retinal infiltrate in his 68-year-old male patient.
Dr. Sean Adrean shares his surgical video (includes voiceover) of a subretinal biopsy to diagnose sub-retinal infiltrate in his 68-year-old male patient.
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Thanos PAPAKOSTAS, MD ~ 25-gauge high speed beveled cutter – PDR/TRD

Dr. Thanos Papakostas video highlights his experience with the 25-gauge high speed beveled cutter. His patient is a 33-year-old Type I diabetic male with severe PDR and Tractional Retinal Detachment in his left eye. There was severe ischemia and a large neovascular frond posteriorly.
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Alan J. Franklin, MD, PhD ~ Chronic RD with PDR

Dr. Alan Franklin highlights his impressions with NGENUITY® 3D Visualization System version 1.2 software which includes video overlay. The first video highlights a 48-year-old female patient with a chronic subtotal retinal detachment and proliferative diabetic retinopathy, Pre-op VA: LP. The second procedure is a 41-year-old male patient with a chronically detached retina secondary to proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Pre-op VA: Bare LP
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Alan J. Franklin, MD, PhD ~ Video 3 of 3 – Stickler Syndrome

There’s a wrinkle in the retina. Due to NGENUITY’s depth of focus, both the anterior and posterior retina are in focus. 27-gauge MAX-Grip forceps and PERFLUORON provide the opportunity to successfully remove the subretinal band.
There's a wrinkle in the retina. Due to NGENUITY's depth of focus, both the anterior and posterior retina are in focus. 27-gauge MAX-Grip forceps and PERFLUORON provide the opportunity to successfully remove the subretinal band.
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Alan J. Franklin, MD, PhD ~ Video 2 of 3 – Stickler Syndrome

Video 2 of 3. Dr. Alan Franklin describes the benefit of DAVS, Digitally Assisted Vitrectomy Surgery, with NGENUITY in his young patient with Stickler Syndrome. Very adherent vitreous and bimanual technique is used - chandelier & 25-gauge curved scissors.
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Talia R. Kaden, MD – RD after Ruptured Globe Repair

Dr. Talia R. Kaden shares her 25G surgical video of her patient with a Retina Detachment after Ruptured Globe Repair. Pre-op VA: Bare light perception; Post-op VA: CF
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A. BERROCAL, MD ~ Post Traumatic RRD

Dr. Nina Berrocal operates on her patient with a Post Traumatic Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment utilizing 25-gauge.
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A. FRANKLIN, MD, PhD ~ PDR/TRD; 10k vit probe; Bimanual surgery

Dr. Alan Franklin shares his surgical experience with the 10,000 cpm vit probe in his 45-year-old diabetic patient.
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